What is the inspiration?

Austin Pollen is a service project and labor of love inspired by allergy sufferers in my life, including my amazing wife. I believe you deserve clear, complete, up-to-date information about what's causing you to feel sick. Please recommend this site to your friends and loved ones.

Why is Austin Pollen special?

Most pollen websites only show you a single data point once a day. I share every relevant original data point for pollen, mold, air quality, and weather. The data format is easy to compare, and charts are updated frequently throughout the day.

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Scales and Measurements

What makes Austin Pollen's data unique?

Austin Pollen gets data from many original data sources (e.g., AAAAI, AccuWeather, OpenWeather, and more), normalizes it, and displays it all in a single consolidated chart. No other website does this!

Further details

The data sources table contains details for every data source that is featured on AustinPollen.com including:

  1. Acknowledgements about the original data source
  2. Location details
  3. Method: how is the data typically collected
  4. Frequency: how frequently is the data collected and updated
  5. Precision: is the data reported in precise raw units or is it repored as a relative range like a 1 to 10 or high/medium/low
  6. Counts for individual factors (e.g., Cedar, Oak, Elm, Hackberry, etc.) reported for each category (tree, weed, grass, mold, air quality, weather, and indexes)

  7. *For a visual representation of the factor types, factors, and their reported intensity today try our data sources tree map.

    *Some sources, especially those that are collected manually, don't report every single day of the year.

    Data Sources Table

    *You can scroll up/down and left/right.

Each factor belongs in a category

Categories: Tree, Weed, Grass, Mold, Air Quality, Weather, or Indexes

Data standardization and normalization process

Data are standardized into fields: {allergen names, allergen categories, location, source name, raw values, scales}.

Dissimilar reporting methods {e.g., NAB™ gr/m³, ppm, ppb, µg/m³, U.S. EPA AQI scale, High/Medium/Low, 1...12, etc.} are mapped to the Austin Pollen Reference Scale {0...1000} that mimics the NAB pollen/mold scales {low, moderate, high, very high} and the EPA AQI scales {good, moderate, unhealthy..., hazardous}. The reference scale makes side-by-side comparison easy.

Donate to Austin Pollen

Thanks for Keeping Austin Pollen Alive

Your donation is greatly appreciated and ensures the continuation of this work. Austin Pollen is a service project that requires ongoing operation and development costs. Also, this website clearly shows data from over twenty sources unlike most pollen websites that show one. You deserve to know what's causing you to feel sick and your donation is meaningful.

Why Support Austin Pollen?

Austin Pollen has ongoing operating costs (data acquisition, web hosting, domain registration) and development costs (development labor and time, development software, testing software, virtual machines for testing).

We're seeking sponsors and affiliates

Austin Pollen is building a loyal audience and is looking for sponsors, affiliates, and reciprocal marketing opportunities that: helps widen our audience, improves the lives of our audience, and helps offset the cost of website and app development and operation.

Who is the creator?

I'm David Marcoux and an Austin native who suffers from allergies. Professionally I've been a webmaster, coder, investigator, and security analyst with a computer science degree. In general, I'm a nerd.

How was Austin Pollen built?

The tools I used to create and maintain AustinPollen.com are Linux, Bash, cron, curl, REST-API, JSON, jq, jqplay.org, CSV, Apache, Photoshop, CSS, javascript, jsfiddle.net, jQuery, and Google Charts.

Privacy Policy

We don't collect or store information about you. We use Google Analytics to understand aggregate trends and preferences of our website visitors. Optionally submitted feedback or emails are stored in Jotform and/or Gmail and can only be accessed by the website developer.

Copyright Statement

Copyright © 2024 AustinPollen.com. All rights reserved.



Manchaca, Texas 78652


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